Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My Personal Time Machine

I find myself putting a great deal of thought in to the future. It can be one of the most crippling problems I have. I often procrastinate when it comes to things I should do, and even things I want to do, because I think there's a better opportunity yet to come. It helps me to get through the present when I have such a productive and profitable future ahead of me. But will I ever actually see this future if I'm just getting through the present?

Another time travel dilemma people suffer from is the past. "I'm not trying that because I'm not good at it." We too often let history haunt our present and predetermine our future. If we let the past determine our future what's the point in even having a present?

In either case we end up in the exact same situation we've always been in. If we cast the focus of our future constantly ahead of us then we don't even notice it when it flies by as the present. If we focus on the past we don't even realize that past is being determined by us ignoring the present. We make the same choices even when the choice is to not make one.

Present tense shouldn't be left up to cruise control. We have to live now. But it's easier said than done, especially when now is so over(under)whelming. It's so much easier to ignore it, get through it, or waste it even when we know there's more to life than wasting it. How can we change this way of thinking (or lack of it)?

I've realized that time machines do exist and they are right inside of our minds. We can go anywhere we want by focusing on it. If you want to live in the past then focus on it, and your life will be as it was in the past. If you want to live in the future then focus on it and your life will be as it would be without ever changing the present. See the rules to time travel seem a little unfair. You don't get to shortcut through life, just skip living. You can't go back and change the past, just relive it. It's not using the time machine that makes it so great. It's realizing this time machine exists.

See God doesn't need time, he always is and will always be. He created time for us so that we can figure out our purpose. If there were no time than there would be no past and there would be no future. Therefore there would be no accomplishments, no goals met, and no lessons learned. Without a start and a finish there would be no distance traveled, no journey, and no purpose. God created time and even a time machine so that we can find ourselves exactly where He wants us. Here and now.

I want to use the past and the future to my advantage. I want to use them to hone in on where I should be now and what I should be doing. If we really think that God strategically placed us in the now, and for a purpose, it allows us to truly live. What could you or should you be doing here and now? What is your purpose? You might find they end up aligning when you take a trip outside of the time machine.

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff, man. Love the spaceship BTW. -Ben
