Friday, December 12, 2008

Today's Church Scam Takes The Cake

"My name's Deacon So and So. and uhm, Mike Somebody is the bishop and we're with Church Inc and we're trying to raise some money for a 12 year old boy who is getting a kidney transplant at that hospital right up there."

"Where are you located?"

"Oh, we're everywhere we got a church in Dothan, in Panama, in Pensacola we're everywhere. I've got some cakes in the car and I'm selling them for $20 a piece. The money goes to that 12 year old boy."

1.) He wouldn't give the boys name, not even his first
2.) The hospital mentioned does not do kidney transplants (a doctor's wife confirmed)
3.) What church with four locations can't afford to help without going door to door in four cities? (rhetorical)
4.) The church has no website, exact address, or phone number (or name for that matter)
5.) Church Inc. really?

People often try to scam the church which always leaves me in disgust. I get all sorts of emails from Africa telling how some nun had a secret lover who was a wealthy diplomat. They both found real salvation and he died. Now she has cancer and wants to see her $1.5million invested into a good Christian church. Just send the church's account number and you'll never worry about money again. Because you won't have any! It's like a steamy romance novel with a price tag the size of your current balance.

But, like today's scam, it goes both ways.
It never fails to leave me with an awkward, bad feeling when someone trys to scam in the name of the church. Whether by "fundraising", in "God told me to tell you"s, or false promises "churches" are creatively taking people's money and leaving them feeling taken advantage of.

Don't Christians have enough of a bad rap to overcome without their help? The conception is already that condemnation is our sole purpose. To have malicious thievery added to that is a crime dually. "You're not good enough the way you are, you don't dress right, you don't act right, and you don't belong here. So empty your pockets and leave!"

Pastor Gene has mentioned it before, if these televangelists really believed there was a faith machine that when you put in $100 you got back $1000, then they would be sending you a $100 bill, not asking for yours! We furthered that thought last night. There are people who genuinely need help. We can't wait for them to wander up, we have to go to them. NOT to ask for money, or what they could do for us, but what we can do for them. We don't need door to door salespeople at Crossroads because what we're selling is free!

Join me in praying for people who take advantage of people and who smear the name of the church, or worse Jesus (it will make it easier to stop being mad at them). Then join me in setting things right. One example at a time we can show people the relationship the church is supposed to have with people. Love.

Excuse me while I cool off. I'm going to go eat some lemon cake now.

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